

日期:2018/06/09  点击:940 次
我们愿同…… we have every intention to.../would like to.../stand ready to...
来而不往非礼也 It’s impolite not to make a return for what one receives.
我们会奉陪到底 We will fight to the end.
不要捡了芝麻丢了西瓜 do not be penny wise and pound foolish
无视 act in disregard of...
夜郎自大 be a little bit too arrogant 
任性妄为 recklessness and willfulness
消费者剩余 consumer surplus
执意推动 persistence in advancing...
一贯的无知和傲慢 habitual ignorance and arrogance
充分反映 give a full expression to...of...
相由心生 one’s mentality will determine how he perceives the world
患难与共 share weal and woe
……期间/……解决之前 pending...
……进行坦诚交流 have candid exchange on...issue
从一个侧面印证了 shed light on the....
表达了担忧 concerns have been voiced on...
令世界感到担心 be worrisome to the world 
特别强调 stress in particular that...
……存在缺陷 fall short in...
……施压 impose pressure on...
横加指责 point fingers at...
以邻为壑 profit oneself at the expense of the neighbor
……之后/紧随…… in the wake of...
一前一后地/协力地 in tandem with...
严正立场 stern position
东亚暨太平洋事务局 Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs
全美零售商协会 the National Retail Federation
美国信息技术产业理事会 the Information Technology Industry Council
各方都很关注美国与中国贸易摩擦问题 everyone is following the issue of the US trade frictions with China
总揽全局、锐意进取、开拓创新 bear the larger picture in mind, forge ahead with determination and blaze new trails
全方位统筹协调 comprehensive planning and coordination
处于历史最好水平 at its historical best
世界知识产权组织 World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
削减贸易顺差 reduce trade surplus
WTO规则为主题的多边贸易规则 multilateral trade regime centered around the WTO rules
历史已经证明,贸易战不符合任何一方利益。 History teaches us that trade was is in the interest of no one. 
以建设性的方式妥善处理……问题 the...problem/issue would be properly and constructively addressed/resolved
韩国统一部 ROK Ministry of Unification
反垄断监管部门 anti-trust regulator
商业个案 individual commercial case
中智战略伙伴关系 China-Chile comprehensive strategic partnership
美国继任国务卿蓬佩奥 succeeding Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
人事更迭 personnel change
重大人员伤亡和财产损失 heavy casualties and property loss
慰问电 message of condolences
总督 governor-general
中国红十字会 China Red Cross Society
加入/担任……任务 pitch into...
中铁国际工程队 China Railway Construction Engineering Group
共克艰难/共渡难关 tide over crisis together with...
春江水暖鸭先知。When the river becomes warm in spring, the duck would be the first to know.
债务问题严重/负债累累 debt-ridden
主要债权方 main creditor
经济起飞阶段 stage of economic takeoff
工业化起步阶段 initial stage of industrialization
自身造血功能 self-driven development
公私合营 Public-Private Partnership (PPP)
恐怖主义融资 terrorism financing
全天候战略合作伙伴 all-weather strategic cooperative partner(中国-巴基斯坦)
搁置 put a hold on...
规避制裁 circumvent sanctions
德国社民党 Germany’s Social Democratic Party
联盟党 Christian Democratic Union of Germany
民粹主义 populism
中右联盟 center-right alliance
愿共同努力 be willing to join hands with...
如出一辙,纯属捏造,荒唐可笑 be no different from previous ones-nothing short of sheer fabrication and ridiculous
中印尼政府间双边合作联合委员会 Joint Council for Bilateral Cooperation between the Governments of Indonesia and China
中国-东盟战略伙伴关系 China-ASEAN strategic partnership
非洲联盟委员会 African Union Commission
中国-非盟战略对话 China-African Union Strategic Dialogue
不透明的石油换贷款协议 murky oil-for-loans agreements
根据不完全统计 according to incomplete statistics
总装机容量 total installed capacity
发电能力 generating capacity
卫星电视服务 satellite television services
中方一贯坚持不干涉内政原则 China always adheres to the principle of non-interference in other’s internal affairs.
《核态势审议报告》 Nuclear Posture Review Report
《国家安全战略报告》 National Security Report
《国防战略报告》 National Defense Strategy
加剧全球战略失衡 exacerbate the global strategic imbalance
低当量核武器 low-field nuclear weapons
自卫防御的核战略 self-defensive nuclear strategy
以对抗视角看待大国关系 view relations between major countries in a confrontational perspective
赋予两国关系新的时代内涵 keep bilateral relations abreast of the times
反倾销反补贴调查 anti-dumping and anti-subsidy investigation
联合国人权理事会 United Nations Commission on Human Rights 
发布安全提醒 issue security alert
美国总统主要经济助手 US President’s major economic aides
洲际深水无人潜航器 intercontinental underwater drones
可携带核弹头的新型导弹 new nuclear-capable missiles
高超音速导弹 hyper-sonic missile
军演 military exercise/drill
对未来发展提出一系列新的目标和规划 lay out an array of new goals and plans for the future
核态势审议 Nuclear Posture Review
